Spring Vacation Week on the Farm

Monday April 15  - Friday April 19, 2024

9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

$375.00 per participant : 

Waltham Resident Discount $319.00



What better way to enjoy Spring Vacation Week than on the farm with your friends?! Guided by WFCF educators, and with the company of our egg laying hens, youth in 1st through 8th grade are invited on this farm adventure. 

Participants will spend the week exploring the magic and science of the garden, farm and kitchen through interdisciplinary activities, nature crafts, culinary projects, and more! WFCF Education Programs continue to offer a variety of experiential, project-based adventures for learners of all ages, exploring agriculture, gardening, nature, culinary arts, sustainable homesteading, foraging, and science-based programs through hands-on experiences.

A healthy snack will be provided daily.  Youth will make treats together on some days. Recipes and more information will be provided to registrants leading up to this special program week. 

* Scholarship Discounts available upon request. Contact WFCF Director of Education & Community Programs for more information or to make a request by emailing jessica@communityfarms.org