3:30 - 4:30 p.m.

$20.00 per participant


This day won't exist again for another FOUR YEARS!

Join the education team, the angora rabbit family, and your fellow learners for a hopping good time celebrating and learning about why we have this special leap day on the calendar every four years.  Featuring rabbit hurdle jumping demonstrations, a human leaping contest, solar-powered popcorn & hot chocolate buffet, a leap-year-themed farm craft table and dance party for all ages!

Cuddle some bunnies and watch the sunset on this day that won't appear on the calendar again until 2028!

Participants are welcome to contribute a small item to our time capsule, which will be filled, sealed, and remain hidden until the next leap year (February 29, 2028!). 

* This is a drop-off program for youth in 1st through 8th grade. Each participant requires a ticket for admission.

* Little Sprouts Families with toddlers and kindergarteners are welcome to attend for a family ticket price of $28.00 for one adult and up to 2 children. Adults attending with Little Sprouts are responsible for managing and participating alonside their registered children during all portions of this special, mixed-age group event.